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Aloha, Buongiorno, こんにちは & Hello.

Welcome welcome, everyone and Happy New Year. My name is Ryan and this is my blog. I got bored one evening and decided to set this up. Generally speaking I will be conducting short written reviews for films, most of which are chosen at random from whats in my collection and whats available to stream. Maybe, if I get bored one day, I'll start doing current cinema releases. Maybe I'll branch out into T.V. shows. I may even branch even further astray into things like web series. Only time will tell I'm afraid.

So anyway on to business. Here's the intended release schedule for my Site; I am aiming to release a film review twice per week, specifically on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As well as this, there will also be a Monthly Top 5 Quotes List, from a selected movie or franchise.

I use the word intended for a good reason. In case this post hasn't already been obvious enough, i get bored rather easily. So if i miss a day or a week or a month, fear not! I'm most likely not dead and have merely forgotten about this thing entirely. New Years resolutions are rather difficult to keep.

So there we have it boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, cats, dogs, mice and whoever else may be reading this. ive made it to the end of my first blog post. may it be the first of many needlessly long walls of text that i send to you with love and care, or hatred and loathing (Again, it's too soon to know for sure). So for now I bid you adieu and hope to have you visit tomorrow for my first review.

Signing off,



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